Dog vs. Cat

As everyone knows, people have strong opinions on either having a cat or dog as a pet. I will interview 2 people about which they think is the better pet.

“Cats rule, dogs drool” says Mrs. Weston, my first person to interview. Cat’s are easier when going on vacations as cats can take care of themselves. You just need to arrange for someone to come by once a day to leave food and clean water. They are also known as being one of the cleanest animals in the world. And not to forget, they are great at getting rid of rodents. Lastly, cats can be very affectionate, just not to everyone.

“Dogs are always with you, cats always leave you” Arthur states as a dog-lover. They are amazing because they will always show you love no matter who you are. You get more exercise with a dog because you need to walk them. They are also great to have on trips because they are great travel friends.

All in all, cats and dogs are both very great pets that beat having a goldfish any day. Thank you for reading this article.

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