The Halloween Carnival Should we have it back?

The last Halloween carnival was in 2019, with its fun games, candy, and haunted house. However, when Covid had struck, this enjoyable school tradition was stopped. Many students and teachers alike have voiced opinions on the return of this event.

Halloween Carnival by AkubakaArts on DeviantArt

We asked staff members if they believe that the Halloween carnival should come back.

“It [The carnival] should come back if it is safe for everybody. It is a great thing for fun and holiday spirit” commented Mrs. Radar, one of the many who have voiced opinions in favor of bringing back the carnival.

“Yes, the little kids love it, it makes them very happy,” said Mrs. Becker.
Ms. Santin, even though she had not seen the carnival stated, “Bring it back, anything with carnival in it sounds good.” The question is who should run it? Some say that the student council should arrange logistics while others say the PTO could put it on. Lily Harris said that “The work can be done by middle school volunteers to provide community service hours”.

Some ideas that have been brought up for carnival stations are a bouncy house, cornhole, a fake corn maze toss, an art station, a pumpkin target game, and a candy guessing game. Some of these are reasonable, but even if this event worked out, you shouldn’t get your hopes up for things as extravagant as bouncy houses.

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